Admission: $8.00 per person PREPAID or Exact Cash
SUNDAY AFTERNOON, COVID SAFE DANCING — You and your partner will dance with an imaginary couple
or a trusted couple within your bubble.
Admission: $8.00 per person PREPAID or Exact Cash
MONDAY EVENING, COVID SAFE DANCING — You and your partner will dance with an imaginary couple
or a trusted couple within your bubble.
Admission: $8.00 per person PREPAID or Exact Cash
MONDAY EVENING, COVID SAFE DANCING — You and your partner will dance with an imaginary couple.
Admission: $8.00 per person PREPAID or Exact Cash
MONDAY EVENING, COVID SAFE DANCING — You and your partner will dance with an imaginary couple.
Admission: $8.00 per person PREPAID or Exact Cash
SUNDAY AFTERNOON, COVID SAFE DANCING — You and your partner will dance with an imaginary couple.