Dance to the Men in Grey By Megan Narten Mainstream Dance called by Dan Lemoine, Gary Smith and Dave Littlefair. Rounds by Claudia Littlefair Dance 3pm, Pizza 5pm $12/ dancer for dance and pizza $8/dancer for dance only Dance to the Men in Grey November 24, 2023
Crossfire Advanced By Cdcda Worker Admission: $8.00/person All Position Advanced with lots of singing calls to popular music September 14, 2023
Square Up! By Cdcda Worker Admission: $6.00/person All Position Basic 1, 2, and Mainstream with lots of singing calls to popular music. August 19, 2023
Crossfire Advanced By Cdcda Worker Admission: $8.00/person All Position Advanced with lots of singing calls to popular music September 14, 2023
Square Up! By Cdcda Worker Admission: $6.00/person All Position Basic 1, 2, and Mainstream with lots of singing calls to popular music. August 19, 2023