Crossfire Advanced By Cdcda Worker Admission: $8.00/person All Position Advanced with lots of singing calls to popular music September 14, 2023
Square Up! By Cdcda Worker Admission: $6.00/person All Position Basic 1, 2, and Mainstream with lots of singing calls to popular music. August 19, 2023
Dance to the Men in Grey By Megan Narten Mainstream Dance called by Dan Lemoine, Gary Smith and Dave Littlefair. Rounds by Claudia Littlefair Dance 3pm, Pizza 5pm $12/ dancer for dance and pizza $8/dancer for dance only Dance to the Men in Grey November 24, 2023
Crossfire Advanced By Cdcda Worker Admission: $8.00/person All Position Advanced with lots of singing calls to popular music September 14, 2023
Square Up! By Cdcda Worker Admission: $6.00/person All Position Basic 1, 2, and Mainstream with lots of singing calls to popular music. August 19, 2023