Admission: Weekend $50.00 per couple or $25.00 per single or $7.50 per person per dance only. May 18-21, 2018
10:30 am Annual General Meeting and Elections
12:00 pm Hot Dogs [supplied by Wandering Squares] for lunch
2:00 – 4:00 pm games or workshop
5:30 pm Pot-Luck Supper
7:30 – 8:00 Pre-Rounds – Dance Dress Up
8:00 – 10:00 PM Square Dance – Dance Dress Up — Pooled lunch to follow
Cost $15.00 per couple per session — six sessions in all – Friday & Monday evenings.
How do I sign up – Send us [Mary & Bruce Nelson –] your email address and we will send you a registration form or you can phone us at 780-467-1141. If you are already a member of Fun Steps just let us know you will be taking this class.
Classes start at 6:30 sharp – so please arrive 15 minutes early. Soft soled shoes must be worn in the gymnasium at all times so leave your street shoes at the entrance.
Park on the west side of the school and enter [by ringing the top buzzer on the wall ] at the West end of the school.
Patty Greene Poster May 12_18 -3PDF
Square Dance Caller — Patty Greene from North Carolina, USA
ADVANCED Tickets: EACH $10.00/Dance OR. $15.00 for BOTH DANCES
CB: 7:00 – 7:30 pm. Mainstream: 7:30 – 10:00 pm
Please bring soft soled shoes to dance in. Leave your street shoes at the door.