This dance is cancelled due to the COVID-19 Alerts
Advance Tickets — $25.00 per person For Tickets call
Rolande & Darvin 780-464-3124 or Debra & Gord 780-467-5905
Bring your own dishes & utensils for supper. Dance to follow.
This dance is cancelled due to the COVID-19 Alerts
Advance Tickets — $25.00 per person For Tickets call
Rolande & Darvin 780-464-3124 or Debra & Gord 780-467-5905
Bring your own dishes & utensils for supper. Dance to follow.
Join us for a Mainstream dance with some plus tips throughout the night! Come have some fun over the winter break!
Please use the Banquet Hall doors at the Leefield Community League.
Admission: $10 per person
New Dancer Program alternating with Mainstream Dancing
Admission: $8
Join us for our TRY-IT Event and dance. Promote Square Dancing. Be a dance Angel! FREE FOR ALL
Plus workshop; learn to square dance at the plus level!
Admission: $10 per person
Admission $0 FREE
Everyone Welcome for Try-It Event
First dance back after Christmas break - coffee & Treat night
Admission: $6.00