Festival Place is not available so we are dancing with the Double Diamonds tonight.
Festival Place is not available so we are dancing with the Double Diamonds tonight.
Join us for a Mainstream dance with some plus tips throughout the night! Come have some fun over the winter break!
Please use the Banquet Hall doors at the Leefield Community League.
Admission: $10 per person
Contact: cawsdc@gmail.com
New Dancer Program alternating with Mainstream Dancing
Admission: $8
Join us for our TRY-IT Event and dance. Promote Square Dancing. Be a dance Angel! FREE FOR ALL
Plus workshop; learn to square dance at the plus level!
Admission: $10 per person
Contact cawsdc@gmail.com
Admission $0 FREE
Everyone Welcome for Try-It Event
First dance back after Christmas break - coffee & Treat night
Admission: $6.00